8-bit CPU for BitVM: Write BitVM Programs Without Learning Circuit Diagrams

"It's true, you can write bitcoin smart contracts in Assembly now instead of learning boolean logic circuits," wrote @Super Testnet.

8-bit CPU for BitVM: Write BitVM Programs Without Learning Circuit Diagrams
Source: São Paulo Bitdevs.
  • "This project contains a boolean logic circuit that emulates a turing complete 8 bit cpu that can run in bitvm."
  • "It also contains a debugger and state machine visualizer I wrote in bash, and an Assembly compiler someone else wrote in python, and which I modified."
  • "Coders can now program bitvm in an Assembly language rather than having to manually craft ever more complex boolean logic circuits."
  • Try it here: https://supertestnet.github.io/8bit-cpu-for-bitvm/

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