How To Buy No-KYC Sats with AgoraDesk
"There are many ways to obtain Bitcoin without providing all of your details to a company that may or may not know how to secure data properly."

- "I have guides on using peer-to-peer markets like Bisq, HodlHodl, Robosats and Peach Bitcoin but another noKYC alternative is AgoraDesk."
- "AgoraDesk is an Open Source and online peer-to-peer marketplace for trading Bitcoin and Monero."
- "With a vision to uphold the principles of privacy and freedom, Agora Desk does not require any personal information and offers a wide range of payment methods with good liquidity on the most common trading pairs."
- "AgoraDesk was created by the same team that developed LocalMonero, which is an equivalent to LocalBitcoins for Monero."