Amethyst v0.71.0: Geohash

Amethyst is a free and open source Nostr client for Android users. Made with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.

Amethyst v0.71.0: Geohash

Some of the latest Amethyst updates include:

Release v0.71.0: Geohash

  • Adds support for the g tag with a precision of 5x5km.
  • Adds support for the following locations
  • Adds support for multiple locations in lists
  • Refactors New Post Buttons to make them more similar to one another
  • Improves Translation-skip Indexes
  • Reviews closing of response.body calls
  • Refactors unused elements in VideoView
  • Refactors Relay class to remove the Synchronized block
  • Improves reachability of the relay screen when the keyboard is visible
  • Fixes memory leaks when playback services are destroyed
  • Fixes video release leak when double clicking on the Stories tab
  • Fixes a crash when the video playback service isn't ready

Release v0.70.0: Background Playback

  • Moves Video/Audio player to a foreground service.
  • Migrates Feed, Stories, and Live Stream screens to use that service
  • Blocks screen from going to sleep if a video is playing.
  • Blocks WIFI from going to sleep if an online video is playing.
  • Allows the app to pause while listening to media and continue playing
  • Manages cache for up to 30 videos in parallel for each of the 3 categories: local, streaming, progressive content
  • Activates the use of popups with artwork that points to the screen with the video
  • Creates a button to allow any video to play while browsing the app/phone
  • Moves app to SingleTop mode.
  • Keeps viewed position cached for up to 100 videos.
  • Restructures the starting screen from App Navigation

Release v0.70.1: Bugfix for F-Droid

  • Restructures the spacing in the first and second rows of a post
  • Fixes Wake-Lock permission line that crashes on the F-droid version

Release v0.70.2: Bugfixes

  • Updated se/de/cs translations by @davotoula
  • Moves the video caching service initialization foreground services.
  • Fix boosted notes from blocked users appearing as blank by @greenart7c3

Release v0.70.3: Bufixes & Improvements

Release v0.70.4: Wakelock Leak

Release v0.70.5: UI Bugfixes & Improvements

Release v0.70.6: Refactoring and improvements (Don't use this version)

  • Fixes a crash when onNewIntent is called before onCreate
  • New Post, Relay Choice: Select/Deselect all options by @greenart7c3
  • New Post, Relay Choice: Fixes missing switch when url is too long by @greenart7c3
  • Adds missing OptIn when using GlobalScope by @greenart7c3
  • Refactors Crypto/Hex/Bech classes and dependencies
  • Simplifies relay connection status
  • Moves to OkHttpClient on URL Preview Queries
  • Moves to OkHttpClient on Image uploads
  • Refactoring of the Connectivity Settings
  • Avoids crossfading animations when loading NIP94 and NIP95 content
  • Moves playback service startup to the IO Thread
  • Activates Strict mode in debug
  • Updates Firebase version
  • Updates Hungarian translations by @ZsZolee

Release v0.70.7: Coding is hard

  • Bug fix for encrypting new private messages
  • Bug fix for the back button going back in the stack instead of leaving the app

Release v0.70.8

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