Aqua Wallet v0.2.0: RBF, Lower Liquid Fees, Native USDT Transactions
Aqua Wallet is an open-source mobile Bitcoin, Lightning, Liquid and Tether wallet. Available on Android and iOS.

- "Aqua v0.2.0 is now out on both iOS and Android! Go ahead and update your app to play with some SATs and discover everything this new version has to offer," announced the project.
What's new
- Liquid Network transaction fees are now ~40 sats. The cost will depend on the size of the transaction and how many inputs there are, but overall it is now ~10x cheaper than before.
- Native Tether USDt transactions. You can pay Liquid Network fees with USDT. L-BTC is no longer required.
- Added Taproot swaps for cooperative, instant refunds on failed Lightning sends (thanks to Bull Bitcoin and Boltz).
- Added more fiat currency display options.
- Added RBF (Replace-by-fee) for Bitcoin sends.
- Added Internal Send flow as another swap option in addition to the standard Swap interface.
- Added Direct Peg-In option for Layer 2 Bitcoin, which can be turned on in Advanced Settings. This allows for Liquid peg-ins from external wallets.
- Added SideSwap, SideShift, and Boltz swaps to a local database, which is shown on the transaction details screen.
- Added Mexas (MEX) stablecoin support.
- Added Beaver Bitcoin to the Marketplace for Canada.
- Added Pocket Bitcoin to the Marketplace for Europe.
- Many bug fixes throughout the app.
Known Issues
- New fiat currency options do not yet work on the Swap interface - you still must enter USD values for swaps.