News OpenSats Announces the 10th Wave of Nostr Grants "We're excited to introduce our latest wave of grants, supporting seven innovative projects that showcase the growing versatility of the Nostr ecosystem," announced the organization.
Releases Braiins BCB100: Bitcoin Control Board Open Sourced Braiins has open-sourced its Control Board BCB100 and the accompanying tools for users to build their own mining firmware. This control board is designed to serve as a replacement for the standard Antminer control boards.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your latest news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Releases Ditto v1.3: Explore Tab, Search Filter UI & More Ditto is a Nostr server for building resilient online communities. It allows users to create their own social networks that are decentralized and customizable, while being free from ads and tracking.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Monday, March 24th, 2025 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your latest news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Weekly Digest Block 889101: Important News of the Week(s) News. Updates. Research. Stats. Everything Important You Need to Know.
News Key Dates Set for Samourai Wallet Developers Pre-trial Motion Schedule According to the reports, Samourai Wallet developers Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill appeared in good spirits for the first hearing in their case since September of 2024.
News Demand Pool Opens Applications to Miners for Stratum V2 Mining Pool Bitcoin mining startup DMND is inviting miners to apply as launch partners for its Stratum V2 pool, with a 0% fee for the first two months. Applications are open until March 28, 2025.
Releases Krux v25.03.0: Taproot and WSH Miniscript Support Krux is open-source firmware for building DIY Bitcoin signing devices using off-the-shelf parts. It runs on Kendryte K210 devices like the M5StickV and Maix Amigo, turning them into airgapped devices that can sign transactions for singlesig and multisig wallets.
News OpenSats Announces 10th Wave of Bitcoin Grants & Support for Developer Organizations OpenSats, a non-profit organization focused on open-source Bitcoin and freedom technologies, has unveiled new Bitcoin grants to support six projects and six organizations dedicated to advancing open-source Bitcoin development.
Releases RoninDojo v2.2.0: Improved Feature Set for Backups RoninDojo is an Installation Assistant and Administration Tool for Samourai Wallet's Dojo, Indexer, and related tools.
Releases Eclair v0.12.0: RPCs to Create and Manage BOLT12 Offers & More Eclair (French for Lightning) is a Scala implementation of the Lightning Network developed by ACINQ.