Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Monday, October 28th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Releases Bitcoin Keeper v1.2.17: Overhauled TapSigner Experience Bitcoin Keeper is an open source, mobile multisig bitcoin wallet with inheritance features. Available on iOS and Android. A desktop companion app is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
News OpenSats Issues Eight Wave of Bitcoin Grants "OpenSats is proud to announce its eighth wave of Bitcoin grants, dedicated to supporting innovative open-source projects that enhance the growth and resilience of the Bitcoin ecosystem," announced the organization.
Releases Lightspark Introduces Spark: Statechain-inspired Solution for Scaling Bitcoin Lightspark, a startup aimed at facilitating Lightning Network adoption by enterprises, announced the launch of an alpha version of Spark, a statechain-inspired, trust-minimized solution designed to scale Bitcoin and extend the Lightning Network.
Weekly Digest Block 867628: Important News of the Week We are 100% community-funded. Support our work. This week, we successfully raised
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Friday, October 25th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Releases Envoy v1.8.3: Expanded Buy Bitcoin Feature, Enhanced Tor Connection, UI Improvements Envoy is a free and open source mobile Bitcoin wallet and a companion app for Passport signing device. It can also be used a standalone Bitcoin mobile wallet. Available on Android and iOS.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Thursday, October 24th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
News Denmark to Consider Unrealized Cryptocurrency Capital Gains Tax Next Year The new bill is expected to be presented to the Danish Parliament in early 2025, with the country's Tax Law Council recommending that the rules should not be implemented before January 1, 2026, at the earliest.
Releases Wasabi Wallet v2.3.0: Rewrite of Tor Integration, UX Improvements & More Wasabi Wallet is a free and open-source, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet for desktop.
Research Bitcoin Core Development Funded with $8.4M in 2023 - Report 1A1z researchers Dan O'Prey and Mas Nakachi published a comprehensive report exploring the funding of the Bitcoin Core project. The study focuses exclusively on Bitcoin Core and 13 main sponsoring organizations that either actively hire Core developers or have active developer grant programs.
Releases BitBox 10.2024 Lugano Update: Sending to Silent Payments & MiniTapscript The BitBox Lugano update for BitBox02 hardware signer v9.21 and BitBox app v4.45 enables payments to Silent Payment addresses and implements MiniTapscript.