Base58 Ships Its Crypto + Digital Signatures Course for Bitcoin Developers

"In this class you'll learn where private/public key pairs come from, implement ECDSA, learn everything there is to know about sighash flags (including the first ever tutorial for how to implement them!) The class ends with classic op-multisig!"

Base58 Ships Its Crypto + Digital Signatures Course for Bitcoin Developers
  • "JUST SHIPPED: Base58's Crypto + Sigs online course," announced @niftynei on
"Catch the 2nd installment of Base58's revolutionary Bitcoin Dev Basics class, all about the cryptography that makes bitcoin secure and the signatures that use it!"
  • The course has surpassed 1000 signups in just 36 hours. Use code NGUTECHNOLOGY to get 50% discount. The promo code is valid until February 2nd, 2024.

Announcement / Archive
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