BitBanana v0.9.0: Coin Control, Send All Option, Design Improvements

BitBanana is a native Android app for LND and Core Lightning node operators focused on user experience and ease of use.

BitBanana v0.9.0: Coin Control, Send All Option, Design Improvements
  • This version implements Coin Control support, adds a 'send all' option, and enables the use of custom block explorers and regtest nodes.
  • Additionally, it includes design and usability improvements, fixes for Lightning nodes with more than 500 outgoing Lightning payments, the addition of an in-app log, translation updates, and the implementation of Korean language support.

What's new

  • Added Coin Control support.
  • "Send all" option.
  • Many design and usability improvements.
  • Support for custom BlockExplorers on Regtest nodes.
  • Fixes for nodes with more than 500 outgoing lightning payments.
  • Performance improvements for nodes with lots of payments.
  • Added in app log.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Added Korean language (thanks to DedSec).
  • Updated translations.

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