Bitcoin Dev Kit Foundation Established As US Non-Profit
The Bitcoin Dev Kit project is building open source tools and libraries designed to be a solid foundation for cross-platform, descriptor based bitcoin wallets.

- "We are happy to announce the creation of the "Bitcoin Dev Kit Foundation" a US non-profit corporation with the mission to promote the development of, public access to and adoption of the free and open source Bitcoin Dev Kit (BDK) library software."
- "Our founding board members are: @afilini , @RCasatta, @LLFOURN , @moneyball , and @notmandatory ."
- "Watch this space and our website for updates and more details as we get things setup. A big thanks to everyone supporting the project!"
"This project has taken on a life of its own, and not in the bad way that things take on lives of their own, like when the doll that we used to keep on our bookshelf started stealing knives from the kitchen," commented Spiral's Twitter account.
- BDK team also recently shared an informative blog post about its scope and approach to Rust bindings.