Bitcoin Optech #271: Secure Remote Control of LN Nodes & More

This week’s issue summarizes a proposal for remotely controlling LN nodes using a hardware signing device, describes privacy-focused research for allowing LN forwarding nodes to dynamically split LN payments, and looks at a proposal for improving LN liquidity.

Bitcoin Optech #271: Secure Remote Control of LN Nodes & More

Bitcoin Optech newsletter #271 is here:

  • summarizes a proposal for remotely controlling LN nodes using a hardware signing device;
  • describes privacy-focused research and code for allowing LN forwarding nodes to dynamically split LN payments;
  • looks at a proposal for improving LN liquidity by allowing groups of forwarding nodes to pool funds separately from their normal channels.
  • "Bitcoin Optech will host an audio recap discussion of this newsletter with special guest Gijs van Dam on Twitter Spaces Thursday at 15:00 UTC. Join us to discuss or ask questions!"

Full Issue