Bitcoin Optech #315: Dark Skippy & More

This issue covers the Dark Skippy attack, discusses block withholding, shares stats on compact block reconstruction, outlines a replacement cycling attack on pay-to-anchor transactions, introduces a new BIP for threshold signing with FROST, and notes an Eftrace improvement for verifying zk-proofs.

Bitcoin Optech #315: Dark Skippy & More

This issue:

  • announces the Dark Skippy fast seed exfiltration attack;
  • summarizes discussion about block withholding attacks and proposed solutions;
  • shares statistics about compact block reconstruction;
  • describes a replacement cycling attack against transactions with pay-to-anchor outputs;
  • mentions a new BIP specifying threshold signing with FROST;
  • relays an announcement of an improvement to Eftrace that allows it to opportunistically verify zero-knowledge proofs using two proposed soft forks;
  • recaps the "Add PayToAnchor(P2A), OP_1 <0x4e73>, as standard output script for spending" PR Review Meeting;
  • adds a Block withholding topic;
  • adds a Replacement cycling topic.
  • "Bitcoin Optech will host an audio recap discussion of this newsletter with special guests Matt Corallo, Greg Sanders, and Sivaram Dhakshinamoorthy on Twitter Spaces Tuesday at 14:30 UTC. Join us to discuss or ask questions!"

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