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Bitcoin Safe v1.0: Secure Bitcoin Storage Made Easy

Bitcoin Safe is a free and open-source Bitcoin savings wallet designed for security and ease of use. Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Bitcoin Safe v1.0: Secure Bitcoin Storage Made Easy
"Bitcoin Safe 1.0.0 is out with a fully packed feature list," announced Andreas Griffin.
  • Bitcoin Safe is a fully featured Bitcoin savings wallet built with Bitcoin Development Kit (BDK). It aims to simplify singlesig and multisig wallet management for non-technical users while retaining some power user features through an intuitive and attractive user interface.

The key features of Bitcoin Safe include:

  • Easy multisig wallet setup for non-technical users, featuring step-by-step instructions for secure multisig configuration and PDF backup sheets. It includes test transactions to verify that all hardware signers are functional.

Bitcoin Safe: Multisig setup wizard.

  • Hardware signers only: All wallets require hardware signers for secure seed storage. As of v1.0, Bitcoin Safe supports all major Bitcoin hardware signers. It includes screenshot instructions for each hardware signer to guide users through every step.
  • Easy multi-party multisig collaboration and sync: Once a multisig wallet is created, Bitcoin Safe sets up an encrypted Nostr group chat for collaboration and PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction) sharing. For security, each participant must authenticate every other user with a simple click.
    • It also includes encrypted cloud backup (via Nostr) of labels, and label synchronization between different computers.
  • Simplified wallet management features, including:
    • Labeling via categories like 'KYC', 'Non-KYC', 'Work', 'Friends', etc.
    • Automatic coin selection within categories; the application warns if a PSBT or transaction combines multiple coin categories.
    • Easy coin categories and label backups via a short backup-key.
    • 1-click fee selection and mempool block preview.
    • Ability to automatically merge UTXOs when fees are low.
    • Cancel and bump fee on transactions via Replace-by-Fee (RBF).
    • Encrypted wallet storage.
    • And more.
  • Global search and filtering options, delivering fast search and filtering across all open wallets, TXIDs, UTXOs, labels, dates, amounts, categories.
  • Import and export capabilities in Bitcoin Safe include CSV export for all lists, import for batch transactions, label import and export via BIP-329, label import from Electrum wallet, exporting of money flow diagrams to SVG, and a drag-and-drop interface for transactions, PSBTs, and CSV files.
  • Multi-language support includes English, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Hindi, Arabic, Italian, French, and German.
  • Power-user friendly features include the ability to use your own Electrum/Esplora server, Mempool instance, and Nostr relay, editing of finalized PSBTs, and more.

What's new in v1.0

  • Full support for major bitcoin hardware signers, including COLDCARD, Q, Bitbox02, Blockstream Jade, Trezor, Foundation Passport, Keystone, Ledger, and Specter DIY via QR, USB, and SD-card.
  • Balance Statement: Export your current address balances to PDF.
  • USB Tools: Interact with your USB hardware signer (PSBT sign, sign message, display address, etc.).
  • QR Scanner: Scan and decode any Bitcoin QR code; full support for BBQr and UR.
  • Packaged binaries are now available for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux.
  • Improved graphical wallet explorer, allowing you to navigate through transactions by clicking on inputs and outputs.
  • PSBT Creation now features a beautiful fee selection by clicking on mempool blocks.

What's next

  • Plans for Bitcoin Safe v2.0 include support for fast and private Compact Block Filters (via BDK) by default.

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