Bitkit v1.0.4: Transfer Notifications, RBF by Default & More

Bitkit is a self-custodial Bitcoin wallet and Lightning wallet with payable contacts. Available on Android and iOS.

Bitkit v1.0.4: Transfer Notifications, RBF by Default & More
  • This update brings notifications on transfer activity, enables RBF and improved CPFP functionality, improves the transfer flow experience, and delivers a variety of bug fixes and improvements.

What's new

  • Transfer Notifications: Added support for notifications on transfer activity.
  • Channel Information: Added channel ID and channel point display in the wallet.
  • Replace-by-Fee (RBF): Enabled RBF and improved Child-Pays-for-Parent (CPFP) functionality.
  • RBF by Default: Enabled RBF by default in transactions.
  • Transfer Flow Update: Improved user experience for the transfer flow.
  • React Native LDK Update: Updated the React Native Lightning Development Kit (LDK).

UI Enhancements

  • UI Fixes and Updates: Improved user interface for opening and closing channels in order to have a better experience.
  • Transfer UI Fixes: Resolved issues with the transfer UI.
  • Channel Selection Scroll: Enabled scroll feature for easier channel selection.
  • Headlines Widget Offline Fix: Fixed the headlines widget for offline mode.
  • Remove Exit App Buttons: Removed unnecessary exit app buttons.

Bug Fixes

  • Fee Rate Screen: Ensured the selected fee always appears on the FeeRate screen.
  • Swipe to Confirm: Removed blinking effect in SwipeToConfirm.
  • Electrum Connection: Ensured Electrum connection stays active when the app is in the background.
  • Channel Usability after Restore: Ensured channels remain usable after restoring the wallet.
  • Wallet Initialization: Prevented the wallet from being initialized twice.
  • Data Wipe on ToS Screen: Wipe wallet data if the user rejects the Terms of Service.
  • Stop Auto Removing Peers: Fixed an issue where peers were automatically removed.


  • Docker Compose: Migrated to docker compose from docker-compose
  • Git Dependencies to NPM: Moved git dependencies to NPM.
  • Pre-commit Hook: Updated the pre-commit hook configuration.
  • Terms of Service Update: Updated the Terms of Service (ToS).
  • React Native LDK Update: Updated React Native LDK.
  • Language Files: Synchronized language files.

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