Blitz Wallet v0.2.7-beta: Ecash Integration

Blitz Wallet is a self-custodial Bitcoin Lightning wallet powered by Breez SDK, Boltz and Blockstream Greenlight. It aims to create a seamless and simple payment experience for its users. Built with React Native.

Blitz Wallet v0.2.7-beta: Ecash Integration
  • "The first Blitz beta to include Ecash is now available. We only have the bare basics down. No swapping between layers with Ecash yet but the basics are there. An Ecash/Liquid and lightning wallet all in 1," announced the project's UX/UI developer Oliver Koblížek.
  • To activate Ecash navigate to settings and go to experimental features. Choose a Ecash mint from the list provided.
"Every payment under 1k sats will be Ecash above it's liquid. After 1 million sats (total in the wallet) you get your own lightning channel and Ecash get switched off," said the developer.
  • Feel free to also just check out the rest of the wallet join the Telegram group if you want to provide feedback. "iOS will hopefully launch soon. So stay tuned," he added.

What's new

  • eCash Integration (Beta): Added support for eCash (currently in very beta, expect further improvements in future updates).
  • App Performance Optimization:
    • Implemented code splitting to load only necessary components, reducing initial load time.
    • Refactored the app to split large context into multiple smaller contexts, minimizing unnecessary page re-renders and enhancing overall performance.
  • Payment Description for LN Payments. Users can now add a description to Lightning Network payments when performing swaps.
  • Bug Fixes. Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

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