Blixt Wallet v7.0.0: New Syncing Nodes, Stability Improvements & More

Blixt Wallet is an open source Lightning Bitcoin Wallet for Android and iOS with focus on usability and user experience. Powered by LND and the Bitcoin SPV client Neutrino.

Blixt Wallet v7.0.0: New Syncing Nodes, Stability Improvements & More
  • "Blixt Wallet v0.7.0 is here! Enjoy this release with new features and bug fixes," announced the project.
  • This release updates LND to v0.18.2, fixes syncing issues in Neutrino SPV, adds new syncing nodes in different regions around the world, makes Lightning Box payable via <pubkey>, adds a dropdown menu to Lightning channels screen and ability to hide amounts in Overview screen, and introduces support for fee bumping on channel openings.
  • Speedloader is now enabled by default for all new wallets.

What's new

  • Updated to LND v0.18.2.
  • Fixed syncing issues in Neutrino SPV. Chain syncing should now be more reliable.
  • New syncing nodes have been added in different regions around the world: (Seattle), (Germany), and (Singapore). New wallets will automatically use these. In order to reset your bitcoin node setting, hold on "Set Bitcoin node" in settings -> Bitcoin Network.
  • Lightning Box can now be paid via <pubkey>, with strict enforcement that the payment goes to the right payee. This mode is trustless.
  • Added dropdown menu to channels on Lightning channels screen.
  • Blixt Wallet now only accepts incoming anchor or taproot channels. This is due to difficulty dealing with fee bumping for legacy channel types.
  • Added support for fee bumping channel openings.
  • Added the ability to hide amounts on Overview screen.
  • Polish language has been added.
  • Speedloader is now enabled by default for all new wallets.
  • LNURL-pay desc hash check has been removed.
  • Added the ability to query lnd's LookupInvoice, in settings -> Debug section.
  • Raised the maximum channel close commitment fee to 300 sats/vbyte.
  • Remote channel reserve for new channels is now set to 360 sats.
  • "Require graph sync" setting is now enabled by default for all new wallets.
  • MathPad has been removed for Android.
  • Added a settings randomizer.
  • Long invoice descriptions are now trimmed in the transaction log.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where a long invoice description would cause the pay button to not be visible.
  • Fixed Persistent Mode crashing on Android 9 and below.
  • Fixed Demo mode crashing.
  • Fixed a bug where the background sync job would not close down properly.
  • Fixed a bug where chain sync progression would show up as Infinity%.

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