Boltz Web App v1.4.0 and Backend v3.7.0: Chain Swaps
Boltz is a non-custodial Bitcoin bridge that enables swaps between different Bitcoin layers.

- "We are stoked to finally release chain swaps today, enabling users to swap between Liquid and the mainchain with both sides being regular on-chain transactions," announced Boltz in a blog post.
"Chain Swaps let you swap directly between Liquid and the Bitcoin mainchain and lay the foundation for more chain-to-chain pairs in future."

- "As part of our new backend release for this launch, we finalized our move to APIv2, accounting for the new Chain Swap type. It features the following three swap types now: Submarine Swaps, Reverse Swaps and Chain Swaps. You can checkout the main PR of this release here (beware, it’s a monster!)."
"Our new web app release, which we deployed today, allows for spontaneous Chain Swaps between Liquid and the mainchain. It includes a major refactor to prepare for more pairs and swap types in future. You can checkout the main PR of this release here."
- "We didn’t tag an official release for Chain Swaps in Boltz Client yet, but the main PR is merged and autoswap features are pretty far along too. Follow our socials to not miss the release!"
What's new
Boltz Backend v3.7.0
- Chain Swaps across multiple feature commits and bug fixes.
- Cooperative chain swap claims & refunds.
- EVM chain swaps.
Boltz Web App v1.4.0
- Chain Swaps.
- Show amount on success page.
- Optionally play sound on success.
- Optional Browser Notification.
Blog Post / Archive
GitHub Repo (web app)
GitHub Repo (backend)