Breez Mobile v0.16 (iOS v1.0.22): UI Improvements & Bug Fixes
Breez is a Lightning Network mobile client and a hub. It provides a platform for simple, instantaneous bitcoin payments. Breez is currently in a public beta, available on Android and on iOS.

What's new
- Update to lnd 16.4
- The Bitcoin Company widget added to Apps
- Greek and Slovak translations
- NFC support on iOS (NTAG 424 DNA cards)
- Allow users to switch between Google Drive accounts
- Fix Google sign In errors on CalyxOS & GrapheneOS
- Click to select min/max amounts in LNURL-Pay
- Display transaction information in refund
- UI improvements & bug fixes
Breez POS ftw ⚡🔥
— Breez ⚡ (@Breez_Tech) September 17, 2023