Breez SDK Core v0.5.0 Released

The Breez SDK enables developers to integrate Lightning and bitcoin payments into their apps with a very shallow learning curve.

Breez SDK Core v0.5.0 Released
  • This SDK is an end-to-end, non-custodial, drop-in solution powered by Greenlight, a built-in LSP, on-chain interoperability, third-party fiat on-ramps, and other services users and operators need. The Breez SDK is free for developers.

What's new

  • Greenlight signer upgrade.
  • Keep closed channels in pending state until sweep
  • Introduce unregister webhook API
  • Support LNURL lightning query parameter
  • Fix chain service error when channel closing tx couldn't be find onchain
  • Show open channel fees in Invoice_paid event.
  • Fix balance update after receive.

Breaking Changes

  • NodeCredentials have been changes which now returns GreenlightDeviceCredentials
  • Config now contains GreenlightCredentials which has developer_key & developer_cert (different naming)

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