Bull Bitcoin Announces Launch in France, Mobile Wallet v0.3.0 Released

Bull Bitcoin announced its launch in France and released v0.3.0 of its open-source Bitcoin wallet.

Bull Bitcoin Announces Launch in France, Mobile Wallet v0.3.0 Released
  • Bull Bitcoin recently acquired Bitcoin Lyon, one of France's oldest brokers. To support bitcoiners, both experienced and new, Bull Bitcoin is collaborating with its founding member, Jimmy Chambrade, the company announced in a blog post.
"Our mission is to equip you with the tools to reclaim your freedom and sovereignty. It started more than 10 years ago in Canada, continued in Costa Rica, and now we open a new chapter in our fight against central bankers, alongside the French people."
  • In related news, the company just released v0.3.0 of Bull Bitcoin mobile, an open-source and trustless Bitcoin and Liquid Network wallet with integrated atomic swaps across Bitcoin, Lightning and Liquid. It is available on Android, with iOS version launching soon.
  • Bull Bitcoin Wallet is available worldwide and you do not need a Bull Bitcoin account, said Francis Pouliot, Founder of Bull Bitcoin.
"The wallet is considered to be 'completely safe'. Heavily tested. Please backup your seed! You will find link to Telegram group in settings. Bug reports and comments are highly welcome," he added.

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