Bull Bitcoin Wallet v0.4.0: Serverless Asynchronous Payjoin V2 (BIP-77) Send & Receive
Bull Bitcoin mobile is an open-source and self-custodial Bitcoin and Liquid Network wallet with integrated atomic swaps across Bitcoin, Lightning and Liquid Networks. Available on Android.

- The Bull Bitcoin wallet has made a notable advancement by becoming the first end-user mobile wallet available on the Google Play store to adopt the BIP 77 Payjoin V2 protocol, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Payjoin Dev Kit team, Let There Be Lightning team, and Bull Bitcoin team.
"Bull Bitcoin becomes the first mobile Bitcoin wallet that allows users to send and receive asynchronous Payjoin transactions without needing to run their own server, using BIP77!" announced Bull Bitcoin CEO Francis Pouliot.
- The wallet has introduced asynchronous Payjoin payments, allowing transactions to be "paused" until both the sender and receiver are online. It enables the mobile phone to be turned off during the payment process, seamlessly resuming the Payjoin session once the recipient's device is powered back on. This enhancement marks a major improvement in the user experience for mobile Payjoin transactions.
- Payjoin enhances privacy by breaking common input ownership assumptions, benefiting all network users. This collaborative protocol also opens up new opportunities for the Lightning Network channel creation and unlocks transaction batching efficiencies.
"We would like to thank the Human Rights Foundation for allocating a generous bounty for the development of a Serverless Payjoin protocol and its implementation in a mobile Bitcoin wallet, as well as OpenSats and Spiral for supporting the work of Payjoin Dev Kit, which made this all possible," said the project.

- To receive Payjoin payments via Bull Bitcoin wallet, head to the "Receive tab" using the Bitcoin network, where you'll find a Payjoin invoice. Share this invoice or display the QR code to the payer. The sender can choose whether to use Payjoin if their wallet supports it.
- To send payments via Payjoin, paste the receiver's Payjoin invoice or scan the QR code in the Bull Bitcoin wallet.
- If you prefer not to use Payjoin, simply turn off the Payjoin toggle in the app.
- According to Payjoin developer Dan Gould, the implementation is backwards compatible with Payjoin v1 in BlueWallet, Sparrow, BTCPay Server, and other wallets.

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