CLBOSS Is Being Maintained Once Again

CLBOSS is an automated manager for Core Lightning forwarding nodes.

CLBOSS Is Being Maintained Once Again
  • "LBOSS is once again being maintained by Ken and myself, and we're seeking assistance from the testing side of clboss," wrote Vincenzo Palazzo to the c-lightning mailing list.
"We're currently in the process of preparing a new release candidate (RC) with bug fixes resulting from a cln upgrade. Could someone help us by compiling and reporting any bugs you come across in any version of Core Lightning? This includes all versions released in 2023. (Yes, I now believe that changing the cln version number was indeed the right decision.)"
  • "We're hopeful that we can both provide assistance to others and receive help in maintaining clboss."
  • "Of course, we're open to code contributions as well. They are highly welcome and much needed."

Announcement / Archive
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