Core Lightning v23.08rc1 Comes with Experimental Anchors, Splicing and Renepay
Core Lightning open-source development community is inviting individuals to test new and experimental features before before its next major release.

- "Core Lightning v23.08 Release Candidate 1 has been tagged and now it’s time to test new & experimental features before release like:
- Taproot address support for #CoreLightning developed by @theinstagibbs;
- Introduction of Renepay developed by Eduardo Quintana & @renepickhardt;
- Splice funds in or out of a live channel - developed by @niftynei, & implemented by @dusty_daemon." - "We’re especially interested in your experiences with the new experimental features: experimental-anchors, experimental-splicing and renepay."
- "Make sure you file an issue via if you hit one!"
- "We’ll make numerous posts about the features as we get closer to a final release, but you can read the gory details directly from the firehose:"
lightning/ at master · ElementsProject/lightning
Core Lightning — Lightning Network implementation focusing on spec compliance and performance - ElementsProject/lightning