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Craig Wright Discontinues Tulip Trading Case in Major Win for Bitcoin Developers

Craig Wright has ceased a lawsuit initiated by his holding company, Tulip Trading, against 12 Bitcoin developers and other individuals in the UK High Court.

Craig Wright Discontinues Tulip Trading Case in Major Win for Bitcoin Developers
  • The end of this lawsuit signifies the conclusion of Wright's nearly ten-year-long strategy of intimidation and harassment. This is seen as a significant victory for the Bitcoin developers and open source software overall.
  • "The Tulip Trading case had existential implications not just for the Bitcoin network but for open source software more broadly insofar as its outcome could have set a precedent for whether developers could be held liable for their contributions to open source projects," reports
"Wright’s discontinuance is an important victory for developers named in the Tulip Trading lawsuit and the entire Bitcoin community. These developers have had to deal with years of Wright’s relentless legal harassment and intimidation, and the entire Bitcoin community suffers when these developers feel so threatened that they choose to stop contributing to the network," writes the Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund.

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Notice of Discontinuance