Diamond Wallet: Lightning Wallet with Bolt Link & sats4ads Functionality

Diamond Wallet is a self-custodial Lightning wallet from Japan and Asia built using the Breez SDK and nodes from Blockstream's Greenlight.

Diamond Wallet: Lightning Wallet with Bolt Link & sats4ads Functionality
  • "We're excited to announce the beta release of Diamond Wallet, a self-custodial Lightning wallet that enables users to earn sats by viewing ads," announced Diamond Hands.
  • The app is still in beta, but it already supports all basic Lightning wallet functions and can be tested with real sats.
"We have about 200 testers from Japan now. With the beta release, we'll slowly expand to other markets, add important features like credit card channel opens, improve UI/UX etc. Lots to build but we're not in a rush and committed to pursuing the self-custody path," said Diamond Hands co-founder and CEO Koji Higashi.
  • The wallet also integrates Bolt Link and a 'sats4ads' functionality, making it a unique wallet that pays its users directly in a self-custodial manner.
"Bolt Link is inspired by the early work of Lntxbot and its sats4ads service, developed by fiatjaf. Although this service was discontinued some time ago, we are reviving the concept with self-custody and a more flexible link-generation scheme," was stated in a blog post.

Key features

  • Sats4ads. Earn sats by watching ads in the app.
  • Bolt Link. It is like bit.ly but with Lightning payments. You click a link, watch an ad, and earn bitcoin. Only users with a Lightning channel can claim rewards, keeping it secure and spam-free.
  • Self-custody and basic wallet functions. You are in charge of holding your funds.

Get Diamond Wallet at:

Check out this tutorial on how to get started with Bolt Links.

What's next

Diamond Hands plans to improve Diamond Wallet and Bolt Link by bringing the following features in the coming months:

  • The ability to open a channel via in-app purchase.
  • Compatibility with other Lightning wallets built on Greenlight.
  • The ability to push advertisements directly to wallet users.
  • A referral scheme.

Blog Post / Archive
stacker.news Discussion
GitHub Repo (Bolt Link)