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'DM Reporter Bot' Serves A Reminder About The Current State of Nostr DMs

The contents of private messages on Nostr are encrypted, but when and who you are talking to is currently 100% public information.

'DM Reporter Bot' Serves A Reminder About The Current State of Nostr DMs
Source: note1c4gg0tktauqytw5998554xn627v0r6f5u0depeqeg3e56du733vq8l4np5

The Nostr Report, a Nostr-focused news channel, described the following sequence of events in its April 30, 2023 report.

  • "@dergigi discovers a “DM Reporter Bot” that posts leaked metadata from DMs including sender, receiver, time sent, and relay."
  • "It appears that specific npub stopped posting shortly after dergigi shared it."
  • "It’s a good reminder that although the contents of DMs can only be seen with the corresponding private keys, #nostr DMs are still not a great solution for private messaging."
Last post by 'DM Reported Bot.'

Although the issue was already known, the event ignited new discussions about possible solutions to the problem.



Nostr Report Post