Doppler: Lightning Domain-Specific Language
Doppler is a tool for building out a local regtest environment. It is explicitly tailored for testing Lightning apps and enables users to experiment with and test against various Lightning implementations.

- "Internally, Doppler spins up a docker-compose cluster of docker containers. Each node is in it’s container and they all communicate over the same docker network.. It’s like having Lego blocks to assemble as you need."
"The application offers a robust set of features to streamline Lightning Network operations. It enables the creation of a Bitcoin-Core nodes cluster and provides the flexibility to designate one or multiple nodes as miners at specified intervals. Developers can set up and fund an LND nodes cluster backed by a chosen Bitcoin-Core node."
- "Moreover, Doppler facilitates the export of cluster configurations into docker-compose and ensures that all node logs and data are readily accessible."
- "Customization is at the forefront with the ability to modify values in LND’s configuration file and deterministically set up networking. Its command features are OPEN_CHANNEL, SEND_LN with various subcommands, SEND_ONCHAIN, LOOP commands over intervals, and CLOSE_CHANNEL."
- "It supports multiple node implementations, including LND, CLN, and Eclair. Furthermore, Doppler also incorporates a cluster-level UI for enhanced visualization, allowing you to visualize the clusters you create."
- "Doppler is tailored to assist developers in testing Lightning apps of any size."