Eclair v0.12.0: RPCs to Create and Manage BOLT12 Offers & More

Eclair (French for Lightning) is a Scala implementation of the Lightning Network developed by ACINQ.

Eclair v0.12.0: RPCs to Create and Manage BOLT12 Offers & More
  • Eclair v0.12.0 is now available. This release includes RPCs to create and manage BOLT12 offers, supports new channel closing protocol option_simple_close that supports RBF and option_provide_storage for storing small amounts of (encrypted) data of peers.
  • This version also starts using Java 21 and updates dependency on Bitcoin Core to v28.1 for benefits from package relay.
"We've also made more progress on splicing, which is getting into the final stage of cross-compatibility tests. This cannot be used yet with other implementations, but will likely be available in the next release," said the project.
  • It also contains various performance improvements, more configuration options and bug fixes.

What's new

  • Update minimal version of Bitcoin Core. Eclair requires using Bitcoin Core 28.1.
"This version of Bitcoin Core lets us benefit from opportunistic package relay. We now more aggressively use the remote commitment when using anchor outputs, which ensures that channel funds can be reallocated without waiting for a long delay."
  • Support for creating and managing Bolt 12 offers. Users can now create, list, and disable offers. All parameters are optional and omitting all of them will create a minimal offer with your public node ID. Users can configure the number and length of blinded paths used in eclair.conf.
./eclair-cli createoffer --description=coffee --amountMsat=20000 --expireInSeconds=3600 --blindedPathsFirstNodeId=03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f
  • API changes:

    • createoffer allows creating a Bolt12 offer managed by Eclair.
    • disableoffer allows disabling a Bolt12 offer.
    • listoffers lists offers managed by Eclair.
  • New channel closing protocol (option_simple_close) that supports RBF. It lets both channel participants decide their preferred fee amount for closing the channel. Each participant receives a channel closing transaction where they cover the fees.
  • option_provide_storage support for storing small amounts of (encrypted) data for peers. This 65kB backup is designed mainly for LSPs serving mobile wallets; it helps users restore channels when changing phones. Node operators should adjust the eclair.peer-storage configuration to fit their SLAs.
  • Eclair now requires a Java 21 runtime. It will no longer function on JRE 11 or JRE 17. Organizations like OpenJDK 21 provide Java runtimes and development kits.
  • Gossip sync limits. Upon reconnection, eclair syncs its routing table with a few top peers instead of all. If using sync-whitelist, change to router.sync.whitelist and set router.sync.peer-limit = 0 to prevent node synchronization.
  • Various performance improvements, more configuration options and bug fixes.

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