ESP Miner v2.1.9: Overheat Mode, Improvements & Fixes
ESP Miner is an open source bitcoin ASIC miner firmware designed to run on a BitAxe v2+.

- "Bitaxe firmware (esp-miner) version 2.1.9 has been released! Lots of bug fixes and improvements. Huge shoutout to @wantclue and the rest of the contributors for getting this out," said @skot9000.
What's new
- Added Overheat_mode by @WantClue in #267. "This should lower the potential of user not knowing why there machine is no longer hashing and rising the awareness of potential overheating scenarios therefore, the user hopefully changes the cooling or performs other changes."
- Add Multi-chip support without the need of nvs by @Georges760 in #206
- Small optimization and code refacotr: by @Georges760 in #198
- Add quick link to stats when mining on CKPool by @WantClue
- Code cleanup by @tommywatson in #220
- Add Supra 402 by @Georges760 in #221
- Fix Fan speed web update by @skot @tommywatson @Georges760 @dadofsambonzuki @yanir99 @tdb3 in #222
- Add Recovery Page by @tdb3 in #223
- Change efficiency metric on display by @mutatrum in #236
- Fix overheat boot loop by @benjamin-wilson