Foundation Passport Firmware v2.3.1: Theya, Zeus, Coinbits Integrations
Passport is a secure, open source hardware wallet for Bitcoin that puts extra focus on usability and design.

- "We’re excited to announce that the latest version of Passport firmware – 2.3.1 – is now live! With this version of Passport’s firmware we’ve added connections to Theya, Zeus, and Coinbits, updated dependencies, and made reproducible builds more resilient to upstream changes," announced Foundation.
What's new
- Added Theya integration to Passport’s wallet connection options.
- Added Zeus integration to Passport’s wallet connection options.
- Added Coinbits to Passport’s wallet connection options.
- Updated dependencies, including rust-secp256k1.
- Improved the way upgrade errors are handled. Starting with v2.3.1, any upgrade failures will report an error indicating where the problem originated, instead of just freezing in the completion circle.
- Updated all references to to our new site,
- Improved the resiliency of reproducible builds in Docker.
- Fixed some false warnings being reported when compiling.