Frostr: Turn Your Nsec Into Rotatable Multisig

Frostr is a simple t-of-n remote signing and key rotation protocol for Nostr, powered by FROST.

Frostr: Turn Your Nsec Into Rotatable Multisig
  • The protocol uses FROST in order to coordinate the signing of a message between multiple signing devices owned by a single user:
  1. Website or application makes a request to the user's signing device to sign a note.
  2. User's device makes a signed request to the remote signing device(s).
  3. Each remote device verifies the request and responds with a partial signature.
  4. User's device verifies each partial signature, then adds their own.
  5. The signatures are combined, and the complete signature is returned to the website / app.

Checkout the following demo video using Nostr signing clients Igloo and Frost2x by bitcoinplebdev:

  • Key libraries of the project include Frost, Nostr-P2P, and Bitfrost.
  • Frostr is still under active development. All of the project's code is open-source. Contributors, testers, and reviewers are welcome to test it, poke holes, and provide feedback.

Key features

  • Break up your secret key into decentralized, distributable shares.
  • Sign messages using t-of-n signing devices.
  • If one share is compromised, your secret key is still safe.
  • Discard and replace shares without changing your secret key and identity.

Announcement / Archive
GitHub Repo