Geyser Introduces Goals, Removes Milestones

"Goals are a great way to motivate and inspire others to donate by showing what happens when a certain threshold is reached."

Geyser Introduces Goals, Removes Milestones
  • "We've redesigned the Milestones from the ground up to make them more powerful, intuitive, and fun," announced Geyser.
"This introduced changes that are not backward compatible, so we had to remove all Milestones. If you have any questions or would like us to send you your list of old Milestones, please contact us," added the project.

What's new

  • Goals start at $0. "Don't worry about creating a Goal after you've been funded already, goals start from $0 every time you create one."
  • Set denomination. "To measure progress in the way that makes the most sense, you can choose to denominate each goal in either Sats or USD."
  • Contribute to a goal. "Contributors can fund any goal of their choice. This empowers them to decide which goals to pursue first, making the process more engaging and interactive."
  • Prioritize goals. "As a creator you can decide which goal should be the default (coming soon)."
  • Hide/View toggle. "You can hide goals that are no longer relevant (coming soon)."
  • Add emoji. "Because why not? Let's bring Goals to life with emojis (coming soon)."

Goals Guide