GrapheneOS v2024022300: Adblocking for Vanadium, New Setup Wizard, New Color Schemes
GrapheneOS is an open-source, privacy and security-focused mobile operating system based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

What's new
- Completely new GrapheneOS Setup Wizard implementation for the initial setup of the device and secondary user profiles;
- Theme Picker: update color schemes including adding the monochromatic colorscheme option;
- Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: always apply PhenotypeFlag overrides to avoid regressions for some users;
- Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: catch SecurityException from setApplicationEnabledSetting() instead of relying on PhenotypeFlag override;
- Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: add support for Android Auto 11.3 by extending the wireless Android Auto and phone call handling toggles to also allow BluetoothAdapter#getActiveDevices;
- Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: add developer functionality for updating Android Auto via the Play Store for testing;
- Storage Scopes: avoid legacy apps using legacy storage crashing when trying to access the wallpaper;
- remove legacy AOSP Search app now that Vanadium provides the global search intent in addition to the more common web search intent also implemented by other browsers including Brave;
- fix upstream bug breaking package manager support for uninstalling apps only installed in other profiles from the Owner user;
- Settings: improve strings for network connection toggles;
- kernel (5.10, 5.15, 6.1): temporarily ignore sysrq_always_enabled to avoid sysrq being enabled on devices passing it on the kernel line unconditionally;
- kernel (5.10): update to latest GKI LTS branch revision;
- kernel (5.15): update to latest GKI LTS branch revision;
- kernel (6.1): update to latest GKI LTS branch revision including update to 6.1.75;
- Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5: update to UP1A.231105.001.B2 vendor files;
- Vanadium: update to version 121.0.6167.164.0;
- Vanadium: update to version 121.0.6167.178.0;
- Vanadium: update to version 122.0.6261.43.0;
- Vanadium: update to version 122.0.6261.43.1;
- Vanadium: update to version 122.0.6261.64.0;
- GmsCompatConfig: update to version 94;
- GmsCompatConfig: update to version 95;
- GmsCompatConfig: update to version 96.