Joltz Launched Bitcoin Rewards API

"Imagine Starbucks wants to add bitcoin as a reward option to their app. With a few clicks and our API, now they can."

Joltz Launched Bitcoin Rewards API
  • "Introducing the Joltz Bitcoin Rewards API! A flexible set of capabilities that allow any business to drop bitcoin rewards into their app or website. Seamlessly incorporate bitcoin rewards delivered over the Lightning Network."
  • "Our API powers a wide range of reward use cases:

    - Sats back for making referrals or purchases;
    -Incentivizing users to complete onboarding, educational content, or other desired actions;
    - Loyalty collectibles as Taproot Assets."
  • "Businesses can request access from our docs which will continue to be built out in the coming weeks:"
  • "Join us on our mission of bringing bitcoin to more individuals and bringing the hundreds of billion $ global loyalty economy onto a bitcoin standard!"

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