Julian Assange Can Appeal Extradition to US, UK High Court Rules

The High Court in London has ruled that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has the right to make a final appeal against his extradition to the United States.

Julian Assange Can Appeal Extradition to US, UK High Court Rules
  • In March, the court asked the US government to provide assurances that Assange would receive a fair trial and not face the death penalty if extradited to face charges related to WikiLeaks' publication of confidential military and diplomatic files.
  • The judges found the US submissions insufficient, granting Assange permission for a full appeal on the points of freedom of speech and nationality.
"We spent a long time hearing the United States putting lipstick on a pig but the judges did not buy it," Stella Assange said in reaction to the ruling.
  • "This is a victory. This means that the issues at the very heart of this case - freedom of expression, press freedom - will get consideration by these courts," said Rebecca Vincent, Director of Campaigns for Reporters Without Borders.
"The High Court has rightly concluded that – if extradited to the USA, Assange will be at risk of serious abuse, including prolonged solitary confinement, which would violate the prohibition on torture or other ill-treatment," said Simon Crowther, legal adviser at Amnesty International.
  • A date has not yet been set for the full appeal. It has been 12 years since Julian Assange has lived freely.

AP Article / Archive
The Guardian Article / Archive