Keeper Desktop v0.1.1: Cross-platform Support
Keeper Desktop is a secure, cross-platform desktop app for using hardware wallets with the Bitcoin Keeper mobile app. Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

- "We're excited to announce the initial release of Keeper Desktop! Keeper Desktop is a companion desktop app that allows you to securely use hardware wallets with the Bitcoin Keeper mobile app," announced the project.
"The new app was built to work with USB connected hardware wallets, like Ledger, Trezor, and Bitbox02, and allow Keeper to take advantage of the full range of their capabilities - providing seamless user experience for using hardware wallets with the Keeper mobile app," said developer Ben Kaufman.
- Bitcoin Keeper mobile v1.2.15 has also been released. It comes with ability to use Canary Wallet for the Recovery Key, flexibility to delete vaults while having sats in them, and UX improvements.
Key features (desktop)
- Use with the Bitcoin Keeper mobile app to: Add device, perform healthcheck, verify address, and sign transactions.
- Integration with Ledger, Trezor, and Bitbox02 hardware wallets.
- Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, Linux).
What's new in v1.2.15 mobile
- Use Canary Wallet even for the Recovery Key.
- Flexibility to only create vault and hide/ delete them for security reasons.
- UX improvements.
Announcement / Archive
Announcement (mobile) / Archive
GitHub Repo