No ads, no sponsors, 100% Bitcoin community-funded. Support us here. Satonomics v0.4.0 Rebranded

kibō (formerly Satonomics) is a Bitcoin only on-chain data generator and visualizer that is fully free, open source, verifiable, local-first and self-hostable. Satonomics v0.4.0 Rebranded
  • "Very pumped to finally release the version 0.4.0 of Satonomics.. or should I say kibō," announced the project's developer.
  • kibō is a continuation of the free and open-source Satonomics project offers a free, open-source, and self-hostable alternative to Glassnode.
  • Try it at:
"This project was started as an answer to the outrageous pricing from Glassnode (and their third tier starting at $833.33/month!). But it is a lot of work and has been worked on full-time since November of 2023 and has also been operational since then without any ads," said the developer.
  • Support the project's development here.

What's new

  • A new brand (kibō, hope in Japanese).
  • New website made from the ground up with pure html/css/js.
  • Easier self-hosting. The node has been removed, with only rust as the project's dependency.
  • Many more changes and improvements.

Announcement / Archive
GitHub Repo