Krux v24.11.0: Experimental Tamper Detection Tool & Other Improvements
Krux is open-source firmware for building DIY Bitcoin signing devices using off-the-shelf parts. It runs on Kendryte K210 devices like the M5StickV and Maix Amigo, turning them into airgapped devices that can sign transactions for singlesig and multisig wallets.

- This release contains a new experimental tamper detection tool, a Flash Map tool for visualizing the regions of device memory, fixes a vulnerability related to the import of Python modules from an SD card, adds a WonderWM simulator, a Japanese translation, and few other reliability and quality of life improvements.
- Full list of Krux compatible devices can be found here.
What's new
- Experimental tamper check flash hash and tamper check code. The Tamper Check Flash Hash (TC Flash Hash) feature verifies the integrity of the device's flash memory by generating a unique tamper indicator that relies on hash properties.
- Flash map - an auxiliary tool that allows users to visualize the regions of the device's memory that are empty to verify the results of wiping device's memory, erasing user's area, saving settings and encrypted mnemonics, and more.
- BIP85: allow export base64 passwords. Users can now derive Base64 passwords from their keys.
- Vulnerability fix: Block import of Python modules from SD Card. A block has been implemented in MicroPython to prevent running any code from the SD card, enhancing the overall security of the device.
- Add compatibility to Partial Text Mnemonic QR Codes. Partial Text Mnemonic QR Codes are now auto-completed and loaded.
- Multi-keypad position indicator. An indicator has been added to the bottom of keypads to help users identify the keypad index while swiping between them.
- WonderMV Simulator. Computer simulator for WonderMV device has been added.
- Japanese translation has been added.
- Minor bugfixes and refactors. Code improvements for better reliability and efficiency.
- Krux ethos. Added guidelines to assist with decision-making regarding the Krux project's interactions with contributors, users, and businesses that may create products or services related to Krux.