LDK v0.0.120: Important Bug Fixes, Full Blinded Paths Support & More

LDK/rust-lightning is a highly performant and flexible implementation of the Lightning Network protocol.

LDK v0.0.120: Important Bug Fixes, Full Blinded Paths Support & More
  • "LDK 0.0.120 is here," announced the Lightning Dev Kit team.
  • This release includes important bugfixes, full support for blinded paths, and better BOLT12 payment reliability and privacy, among other things.
  • v0.0.120 fixes a denial-of-service vulnerability which is reachable from untrusted input from peers if the UserConfig::manually_accept_inbound_channels option is enabled.
  • In total, this release features 67 files changed, 3016 insertions, 2473
    deletions in 79 commits from 9 authors, in alphabetical order: Elias Rohrer, Jeffrey Czyz, José A.P, Matt Corallo, Tibo-lg, Valentine Wallace, benthecarman, optout, shuoer86.

Release notes

API Updates

  • The PeerManager bound on UtxoLookup was removed entirely. This enables use of UtxoLookup in cases broken in 0.0.119 by #2773 (#2822).
  • LDK now exposes and fully implements the route blinding feature (#2812).
  • The lightning-transaction-sync crate no longer relies on system time
    without the time feature (#2799#2817).
  • lightning::onion_message's module layout has changed (#2821).
  • Event::ChannelClosed now includes the channel_funding_txo (#2800).
  • CandidateRouteHop variants were destructured into individual structs,
    hiding some fields which were not generally consumable (#2802).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare issue where lightning-net-tokio may not fully flush its send buffer, leading to connection hangs (#2832).
  • Fixed a panic which may occur when connecting to a peer if we opened a second channel with that peer while they were disconnected (#2808).
  • Retries for a payment which previously failed in a blinded path will now always use an alternative blinded path (#2818).
  • Feature's Eq and Hash implementation now ignore dummy bytes (#2808).
  • Some missing DiscardFunding or ChannelClosed events are now generated in rare funding-related failures (#2809).
  • Fixed a privacy issue in blinded path generation where the real
    cltv_expiry_delta would be exposed to senders (#2831).


  • A peer that sent an open_channel message with the channel_type field
    unfilled would trigger a reachable unwrap since LDK 0.0.117 (#2808).
  • In protocols where a funding output is shared with our counterparty before it is given to LDK, a malicious peer could have caused a reachable panic by reusing the same funding info in (#2809).

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