LNbits v0.11.0: Node Management UI for Core Lightning & LND

LNbits node manager allows you to manage your LND and Core Lightning channels directly from within your LNbits.

LNbits v0.11.0: Node Management UI for Core Lightning & LND
  • "Among countless optimizations and stability improvements that make LNbits faster and more reliable, we are thrilled to announce a new exciting feature which we (with the incredible work of @jackstar12) have been working on for some time: The LNbits node manager."
  • "We have [also] upgraded the API framework that we use in LNbits. That means that most extensions need to be update to work with this release. Please log in as an admin user and update your extensions to the latest version after upgrading your LNbits."


  • "The node manager works with Core Lightning and LND and we plan to add support for more Lightning backends soon. You can activate the node UI in your LNbits admin panel.
  • Channel management. Manage your Lightning channels directly from within your LNbits.
  • Transaction history. View the transaction history on your node to see a list of all incoming and outgoing payments.
  • Public node page. The node manager also offers a public node page that you can share with others who want to open a channel to your node.

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Full Changelog: 0.10.10...0.11.0

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