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Minibits v0.1.4-beta: Bug Fixes & Improvements

Minibits is a mobile e-cash wallet with a focus on performance and usability. Available on Android.

Minibits v0.1.4-beta: Bug Fixes & Improvements
  • "This release re-aligns .apk releases with Google Play releases."
  • "Because of prolonged approval times, app version with Tor daemon has been so far available for download only as a standalone .apk release on Github."
  • "Now that it is available on Google Play Store, versions and features of both releases are identical once again."

What's new

This release packages multiple bug fixes and feature improvements that were released using over-the-air updates in the meantime:

  • Privacy setting to turn on or off error logging
  • Set log levels in developer settings
  • New payment requests UI

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