Minibits v0.1.6-beta: Fixes & Improvements
Minibits is a mobile e-cash wallet with a focus on performance and usability. Available on Android.

- "This release contains multiple changes and critical bugfixes released in the past weeks in multiple 0.1.5-beta over the air updates. Release equals functionally to v0.1.5-beta.37 version."
"However, for all users of .apk package it is highly recommended to update as the new over the air updates will target 0.1.6.-beta version number and thus won't be delivered to older .apk installs."
- "Critical for those who receive their nostr zaps to Minibits in mass numbers!"
- "If your device has Google Play Services, you can install smaller application bundle optimized for your device architecture."
What's new
- Recover from failed splits, mint info screen
- Public mint names, fix update screen navigation
- Fix failed auth causing wallet state loss
- Cache tx per each mint, profile create fallback
- Fix 29 - recovery seed phrase not parsed if pasted
- Fix glitch on app load, show own note in contacts
- Fix lightning address validation
- Upgrade cashu-ts lib, improved zaps (fixed)
- Improve event handling, better warn on mint delete
- Fix receive error handling
- Fix own Nostr address, move it to Privacy settings
- Critical: pessimistic lock on recovery indexes