Minibits v0.1.8-beta: Realtime Encrypted Notifications, Claim Sats on Wallet Start
Minibits is a mobile e-cash wallet with a focus on performance and usability. Available on Android.

- "Did not take long to have a new Minibits wallet release out! New, much faster and reliable receiving of zaps and other lightning payments, now with real time and encrypted push notifications," announced the project.
- v0.1.8-beta introduces new Minibits architecture for receiving zaps and all lightning payments to addresses.
"This concept replaces current sending over nostr relays that works only when app is open and tend to be very slow for heavy zap collectors. Ecash is now claimed encrypted + over TLS, leaving no footprint on relays. Notifications are optional, encrypted and carry no ecash," explained Minibits.
- Notifications are disabled by default for new installs, be sure to enable them in Settings.
What's new
- Optional push notifications delivered even when the app is closed / backgrounded. Off by default for new installs, enable in Settings!
- Firebase messaging is used only as a data carrier. Notification shown is constructed only on device
- All data encrypted to keys living on device only.
- ecash is never sent through notification, it is claimed by wallet on wakeup using api sending all claimable tokens as a batch over TLS, with tokens encrypted to device keys again, so that MITM or some api auth leak won't leak your ecash to an attacker.
- Claiming fully works without notifications enabled.
- More logical navigation to Send / Receive based on user feedback from v0.1.7-beta giving choice to transact ecash or lightning.
- New recovery tool to recover wallet address only from Settings for cases, where balance recovery is not necessary, such as moving wallet to new device.