Mostro v0.12.0: Orders with Amounts by Ranges

Mostro is a Lightning Network peer-to-peer exchange platform on Nostr.

Mostro v0.12.0: Orders with Amounts by Ranges
  • Mostro v0.12.0 has been released. The latest update includes orders with amounts by ranges, and bug fixes.
"Range orders are not yet implemented in the web client, to test them you must do it in mostro-cli," said the developers.

You can try out Mostro using a web version or via a Mostro command line interface. Latest updates to Mostro web client include:

  • Users can now generate a new private key.
  • User ratings have been implemented.
  • Premiums and discounts can now be applied.
"If you want to test our Mostro daemon, on our last release we share compiled binary files for different platforms," said the project.
Source: aponcol.

Other recent Mostro updates include:

  • New info event, now users can query events with tag z = 'info' and get important information about that specific Mostro daemon.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Custom expire time of order.
  • User rating ack message carries the rating back.
  • Updated documentation.

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