Mutiny Wallet & Node v0.5.3: Nostr Contact Search, Fediminint Fixes & More
Mutiny is an open-source, non-custodial bitcoin and Lightning wallet for the web and Android. Mutiny Node powers the mutiny web frontend.

- "Sending on Mutiny just got a lot more social: you can now search your contacts (and global nostr users) when sending!"
- Mutiny v0.5.1 release also improved a lot of functionality with Fedimint.
- "There's a lot that changed in this release so let us know what you think. Expect to see more like this in the future!"
What's new since v0.5.0
- Fedimint fixes
- Better bitcoin address gap management
- Fixes a bug preventing invoice errors from showing up in Mutiny Web
- LSPS fixes
- Better bitcoin price API
- Better lightning node peer connection logic
- Fixes a bug that could sometimes crash Mutiny when a channel update happens before the channels were fully loaded
- Nostr contacts fixes
For a complete list of recent changes, check out the full release notes here.
Announcement / Archive
GitHub Repo (Wallet)
GitHub Repo (Node)