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Mutiny Wallet v0.6.1: New Home Screen, Nostr Profile Setup, Federation Discovery & Recommendations

Mutiny is an open-source, self-custodial bitcoin and Lightning wallet. Available on the web, Android, and iOS.

Mutiny Wallet v0.6.1: New Home Screen, Nostr Profile Setup, Federation Discovery & Recommendations
  • "Release time! In our biggest update yet, we've completely redesigned the home screen, added a nostr-based profile setup walkthrough, and have finished our initial fedimint integrations by adding a federation discovery and recommendations!"
"Coming up shortly after this release, we'll be adding federated lightning addresses that lock incoming payments to your key, which you may redeem at any point by coming back online. We'll be rolling this out to Mutiny+ users first, stay tuned!"
  • "There's a feedback button in the app if you'd like to share with us anonymously, or you can join our Discord server to hang out with the Mutiny community. It will go a long way to help steer us in the right direction for the months to come."

What's new

  • New 'social' home screen experience. "We've redesigned our home screen to put people first. We now include a row of recent profiles you've paid for quick access. We also now have tabs on the home screen for looking at your payment activity, your friend's zap activity on nostr, and your payment requests."
  • New wallet creation flow. "Most lightning wallets these days are what we call "invoice-oriented." We want to go back to the basics to solve what people are really trying to do: paying a person. We've added a new wallet creation flow to make the wallet about you!"
  • Nostr identities and chat. "The new version of Mutiny now allows you to create a new nostr profile, or import a nostr private key from an existing profile. From there, you can now DM other mutiny & nostr users to send or request money directly from the app. No more copy / pasting invoices!"
  • Find a Federation. "Mutiny has had beta support for the fedimint protocol for a couple of months now. Instead of opening a lightning channel on your first receive, with a minimum of 100k sats, you can get started on a fedimint with just a few sats."
    • "This new update adds a way to discover available fedimints to join. Naturally, the discovery process is powered by an open protocol built on nostr. You can see who recommends a federation, and add it with one click."
  • "You'll automatically receive funds to that fedimint, as long as the amount is smaller than 200,000 sats, and you'll automatically spend out of that fedimint, with a fallback to your regular lightning balance. You can also swap from fedimint to your lightning balance at any time."

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