MyCitadel Desktop v1.4: UI Improvements, Bugfixes, New Distributive Formats
MyCitadel is a Bitcoin, Lightning and RGB wallet. Desktop version is available for Linux, Windows & MacOS. Made with GTK+.

- "MyCitadel 1.4 ships with a number of usability improvements, bugfixes and new distributive formats."
UI Improvements
- Improved fonts and colours for the transaction list
- Context menus for transaction, address and coin lists
- Copy txid, address, amounts, heights to clipboard via context menu
- Ability to pay full wallet balance to an address

- Fixed date & time precision for the list of transactions
- Fixed display of transactions in mempool
- Fixed signer renaming persistence in wallet settings
- New distributive format: Appimage
- Included Python packaging in Windows, simplifying the installation process
PR list
- Fix no signer name change in settings for release builds by @dr-orlovsky in #94
- Add "spend all" option to payment UI by @dr-orlovsky in #98
- Add context menu to history, addresses, coins by @dr-orlovsky in #99
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0