NerdMiner v1.5.2: 45 KH/s Working with 2 Threads
The NerdMinerv2 is an educational gadget that lets you try to reach a bitcoin block with a small piece of hardware.

- "This is a free and open source project that let you try to reach a bitcoin block with a small piece of hardware."
- "It has the iconical form factor of a Bitmain S9 and consumes only 1W, costing you only 2$ a year to have it powered."
- "ESP32 implements Stratum protocol to mine on solo pool. Pool can be changed but originally works with ckpool."
- "The main aim of this project is to let you learn more about minery and to have a beautiful piece of hardware in your desktop."
- IMPORTANT: "Miner is not seen by pools due to its low share difficulty. You can check miner work seeing logs via UART or mainly setting up your own pool with a low difficulty rate as 1e-9."
What's new
- 45KHs working with 2 threads + Wolfssl (@bitmaker + @golden-guy)
- Hotfix bug sumbit shares (@golden-guy )
- New uptime style (@alcar21 )
- Bugfix halving blocks count (@bitmaker)
- Readme updates
"You can also build it easily with this tool (forked from @valerio_vaccaro , thanks too):"