New Spiral Grantee: Matthew Ramsden, Pavlenex Grant Renewed
Spiral issued a new grant for BDK contributor Matthew Ramsden and renewed a grant for BTCPay Server and Stratum v2 builder Pavlenex.

- "Matthew Ramsden (@matthewramsden) is an experienced iOS developer who is building native Swift apps for the @bitcoindevkit related to projects such as production grade points of reference implementation, assisting with BDK maintainer manual testing haping the BDK API, and integrating and collaborating with the Bitcoin Design Community (@bitcoin_design) to develop best practices in UI & UX."
- "These projects and others like them could also include experimental implementations for things like NFC and ck-tap."
- Matthew is also planning to work on LDK Node, Bitcoin Dev Kit Scripts, Bitcoin Dev Kit Language Bindings (Rust), Wallet UI, LDK Swift bindings, and continue Bitcoin education as a co-organizer of NashBitDevs, Summer of Bitcoin mentor, and other Bitcoin workshops and conferences.
- Spiral also renewed a grant for @pavlenex, who is building BTCPay Server, Stratum v2,,, Balkan community Dvedeset Jedan, and local Bitcoin Hub in Belgrade, Serbia.
Grant renewal. This is #3 for @pavlenex. Despite having next to no idea what he actually works on, we nonetheless expect to continue writing him grants provided that he continues to petition us for them by making video proposals like this one:
— Spiral (@spiralbtc) June 23, 2023
Grant Announcement / Archive
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Grant Renewal / Archive