Nix-bitcoin v0.0.86: New Dev Tools and Docs
A collection of Nix packages and NixOS modules for easily installing full-featured Bitcoin nodes with an emphasis on security.

- new dev tools and docs that help debugging and development
- btcpayserver: 1.7.2 -> 1.7.3
- electrs: 0.9.10 -> 0.9.11
- hwi: 2.1.1 -> 2.2.0
- rtl: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.4
Change Log
#574 Add dev helper and docs (@erikarvstedt)
#588 update nixpkgs (@erikarvstedt)
#589 rtl: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.4 (@erikarvstedt)
#586 Misc. improvements (@erikarvstedt)
#587 Fulcrum: Fix available memory detection (@erikarvstedt)
Github Repo