noStrudel v0.40.0: Encrypted nSec, Blossom Uploads, Wasm Relay, Blindspot Feeds & More

noStrudel is a free and open-source web client for exploring on the Nostr protocol.

noStrudel v0.40.0: Encrypted nSec, Blossom Uploads, Wasm Relay, Blindspot Feeds & More
  • "After 7 months of work and procrastination I’ve decided to release another version of noStrudel. I fixed a few bugs and its probably got a few new ones, but most importantly its got a ton of new features," announced hzrd149.
  • "As always if you want to check it out you can use or run it locally using docker," added the developer.
docker run --rm -p 8080:80

What's new

  • Support for NIP-49 encrypted nsec. "Now when logging into to the app it will prompt you to set a password to encrypt your nsec so it can be stored securely (if that’s even possible for a web client…)."
    • There is also a new “Account” settings view that lets you export you nsec as a ncryptsec so you can copy it to other apps."
  • Blindspot feeds. "There are also new 'blindspot' feeds that show what others are seeing in their timeline that your missing."
  • NIP-42 Relay authentication. "The app now supports NIP-42 relay authentication. Its opt-in though, so if you want to use popular authenticated relays like or you will have to enable it in the settings."
  • Wasm relay and event verification. "The app now supports using @snort/worker-relay as a local relay. Its at least 10x faster than the internal browser cache and can hold at least 100x more events."
    • "Its not enabled by default though so if you want to use it you have to switch to it in the “Relays” -> “Cache Relay” view."
    • "The app also supports using nostr-wasm to speed up event signature verification. This is enabled by default, but if you want to still use the JavaScript verification or no verification you can find it in the performance setting."
  • Thread tabs. "Threads now have a set of tabs that let you see the Replies, Quotes, Zaps, and other stuff related to the note."
  • Wiki articles. "Its not feature complete but you can now view and edit wiki articles in the app."
  • Finished the launchpad. "The launchpad is now usable and shows the latest notifications, messages, streams, and tools."
  • Blossom uploads. "The app now lets you upload images and video to blossom server, this isn’t enabled by default though so your going to have to enable it in the settings."
    • Setup some blossom servers in the settings. The developer recommends and
  • Task Manager. It lets you see whats going on under the hood in the app.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix null relay hints in DMs.
    • Fix users own events being hidden by muted words.
    • Fix random events showing up as DM messages.
    • Fix app prompting NIP-07 extension to unlock when app opens.
    • Remove as default service for CORS proxy.

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